Performance Analysis

Maximize your organization’s potential with data-driven performance.

About Performance Analysis

Performance analysis is an advanced tool for measuring and improving performance within organizations. By mapping the conditions of both individuals and the organization, it offers a comprehensive overview of the factors that influence efficiency and goal achievement. The tool is based on scientific research and focuses on creating a work environment that promotes well-being and productivity.

Explore Cutting-Edge Research

Science-backed for improved performance

Grounded in over 25 years of leading research from institutions like Karolinska Institutet, Harvard University, and Michigan State University, under the guidance of Professor Bengt Arnetz. This research highlights the connection between organizational health and performance, providing evidence that tailored actions can sustainably boost productivity and well-being. It offers a modern, scientifically validated approach to organizational improvement.

Leverage Data-Driven Analysis

Actionable insights

With a vast database of 1.3 million data points, this product provides a robust foundation for enhancing organizational performance and revenue. By analyzing historical trends and real-time organizational data, leaders can make informed decisions based on solid evidence. This data-driven approach ensures that recommended actions are relevant and effective in closing performance gaps.

Implement Tailored Action Plans

Customized strategies for sustainable growth

The product generates personalized action plans for both leaders and employees, based on concrete, evidence-based recommendations. These strategies are designed to boost performance, reduce stress, and increase engagement. By focusing energy on meaningful activities, organizations can foster a motivated workforce and achieve measurable growth.

Customer Benefits

By identifying and addressing specific areas where performance can be improved, companies gain tools to optimize the work environment and increase employee engagement. This leads to a more productive workforce, which in turn improves the company’s profitability and financial performance. Change processes also become more efficient, which reduces time and resources.

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Market Potential

Companies of all industries and sizes are today looking for data-driven solutions that can improve performance and adapt quickly to change. The tool’s breadth and usability make it an attractive solution for a large target group, which opens up a broad market and long-term sales potential.